Student Survivor Stories aims to be a public resource where survivors can come together. By sending us your story, you can inspire others and spread awareness about the mental effects and tribulations that affect victims of gun violence.

How do I send in my story? 

By accessing our "Contact" page, you can email us your testimony, which will then be published on our page. No proper names, locations, or specific information has to be included. Identities can remain completely anonymous if one chooses. Our goal is to normalize discourse regarding victims' stories, meaning that this site is a safe space for all survivors.

What is the "required experience" to be considered a survivor of gun violence? 

There is no criteria, requirements, or prerequisites to share your story on our website. Whether you, a loved one, or a friend has been involved in a gun-related crime, your individual story and experience is valid. Although this website is geared towards supporting students, all are welcome to participate in the discussion.

Do I have to be specific? 

Not necessarily!

We understand that every story is different, and using proper names, locations, or dates can be difficult and/or dangerous at times. Because of this, we encourage our reader to submit their stories with as much detail as they are comfortable with. Details are completely up to the author's judgement and discretion.

Contact Us

Contact us with questions, concerns, and testimonies. Student Survivor Stories revolves around the stories of our supporters, and we could not accomplish any of our goals without you. Help us continue to keep our website relevant and functioning.

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